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@dangerousbeans %VkLwamTysj+PcDhl3lskJLbHd+Tem8uyuPyQX3gHwVE=.sha256
Voted Can we put the [pull-reconnect](
@SoapDog %m7Nn/4r1RlIhfkoGzcvkwhDba3OD7zzrOxQvopD7KgU=.sha256

Can we put the pull-reconnect module on the list of modules that need documentation? I'd love to use it on patchfox (I keep getting stream is closed errors which I am sure I could fix with this but don't really know how to use it).

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@mix %RfEH14X9bRaK6Auhcj1YzkBRnHK3Wkpjy2v7fD7D8Yc=.sha256
Re: %8Kp3wAWHh

sorry I missed this mention. Haven't made time for this D:

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