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@SoapDog %+tsqpE7ZDaAAnW7t60Ti2nWwbBErCs7HV6pK+iNuqp0=.sha256
Re: %lcm7HgPjZ

Didn't @Christian Bundy had a utility to prune a log to remove a given profile? That would be handy right now...

@Christian Bundy %fxXge4np6TasMTJuDLOTFdt5Uv4yY32xPRqJr5ezys0=.sha256



@Soapy mcSoap %3ulwa5AWW1gJ+aQe7Jziyng+21cofkygfvbc163ncPc=.sha256

@Christian Bundy

Can the tool be tweaked to remove all feeds from people you blocked? I think it would reduce friction....

@Christian Bundy %TIh2j7QE5arxwI72xVGU3XuOo/mu+Zw0XronMKbjdPk=.sha256

@SoapDog (SurfaceGo)


:tada: Running this branch will delete messages from blocked authors.

That's what it does now, is it not working correctly for you?

@Soapy mcSoap %kFw6Svcho+Q4mHwPzqTrHl4u6PYf97BFamU8LhdACvk=.sha256

I was not up to date with the tool. I remembered seeing it when you first released it and IIRC you had to pass the id or there was a hardcoded id because the tool was originally made to purge the feed from that "the worm that destroy pubs" person...

I'm checking that PR now. Thanks a lot for pointing me to it @Christian Bundy

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