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@mmckegg %80yXKlG/QYhC0qdBrxqhH8PeWu86Jvd+4YoVw8nKt7o=.sha256

I got some new stickers :satisfied:


HMU if you want some too! (I'm referring to the ssb ones)

@mmckegg %x2Igy0cWxEBd64hghWKi6fgqjgXBZ5SDFjIZ4BKb15M=.sha256

And the herm(i)es one!!


  • 50x Hermies on rainbows
  • 50x Hermies on white
  • 50x ssb on rainbows
  • 50x ssb on black

Unfortunately the printers missed my request for individually cut, so they're on rolls and we'll have to cut them ourselves.


@mixmix is there a guillotine at EDA?

@mix %jiy2gwkEwm/i2w2+Qt5eZjvNOzBNa4gSY4522CjJc6M=.sha256

I don't think so ... Well done though Matt!

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@mmckegg %KMM2N7qnJl6EnQy4+e4fozBpvfsn2uQub2Lrl+1etWk=.sha256

@bret yep! Just PM me your postal address and how many you want of each (within reason).

@mix %rpB7BWv9QtDCQ/xPbECtfRQHan1YXfB6ep/HmNeRx+g=.sha256

oh my god - rainbow hermes.... I couldn't be happier

@mikey %7aIHlP1CALEushTCINPQHXoFrRRkPJvUdbIhuVPPxig=.sha256

who has an address in a popular decent city like Oakland and wants to receive a bulk order from Sticker Mule? i'm keen to have our stickers up on their marketplace, but seems we need to place an initial custom order.

note to self: we should put our hexagons on!

@cel %l/H2Uk1n6wqkarO7Zzcf7V6xVC8CouhfYfm5wZ60P7w=.sha256

who has an address in a popular decent city like Oakland and wants to receive a bulk order from Sticker Mule?

ship to sudo room? cc @jefdaj @juul

@cryptix %Ei+1WwYw22UmILBfwbzpzO/NcReToUqulr61/p35TIw=.sha256

@Matt If you could take a bunch (~20?) of the rainbow hermzz with you on your trip, that would be awesome! :)

i'd also share with @keks but maybe he wants different ones?

@cryptix %5QC7rxfHZR/XjsWws1qiXd4GzHdkIDsLN029Zbz6IRQ=.sha256

(hrm, the mention didn't take.. maybe some flume+patchfoo hiccup. repinging @keks)

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