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@andrestaltz %CnkbBEjaoorBhCkimLQGjDyc2k9xYTM+7osj5VEPZ9s=.sha256
Re: %mvLpJthmK

Selected proposals

(Andre enters the room, opens the closet, picks up the well-aged Adjudicator Hat :tophat: and carefully places it on his head. Feels a bit funny, but here we go!)

How I did this

I took a careful look at the proposals for this month, and considered each one based on two criteria: Purpose and Trustworthiness. Purpose means the proposal is well aligned to the Scuttlebutt principles and would bring utility for the community (today and in the future). Trustworthiness are facts and properties that reflect how the community trusts the persons behind the proposal. Votes (like the above) count a lot for Trustworthiness, so thanks for those who took the time. Purpose and Trustworthiness are qualitative properties, not quantitative. Also note that there is small probability I have not seen all the comments in this thread simply because they could have been invisible to me (too far friend-hops for my configuration, or the distributed computing gods weren't happy with me). But I clicked like on those I have read, as a way of sending ack.

Accepted proposals

(and their Purpose and Trustworthiness)

  • Meta-documentation @corlock
    • Purpose: Useful for newcomers looking for more info, example
    • Purpose: Useful for, example
    • Purpose: Like "protocol docs" but for the people part of SSB
    • Trustworthiness: @corlock has shown committment to the community, e.g. MC hat for ssbc-grants
    • Trustworthiness: 4/4 votes
  • Blobs management @gmarcos87
    • Purpose: Blobs take a lot of space, we need to help manage that
    • Purpose: There may be undesired-content blobs in your local db that you may want to delete
    • Purpose: Will be useful for mobile apps, since one of the mobile-ssb-quests is related to this
    • Trustworthiness: @gmarcos has shown interest and development capability, as well as persistence (applied this idea to the mobile-ssb-quests)
    • Trustworthiness: 4/4 votes
  • RPi ScuttleMesh workshop @benhylau
    • Purpose: Scuttlebutt (should) love meshes
    • Purpose: Overall, documentation about SSB is very welcomed by the community and early-adopters
    • Purpose: teaching SSB to people is also a form of marketing
    • Trustworthiness: benhylau has been recommended by Luandro
    • Trustworthiness: Clear deliverables
    • Trustworthiness: Already started acting %SmqFNiD...
    • Trustworthiness: 3/4 votes

Declined, for now

  • ScuttleKit @jeswin
    • Purpose: improve the developer experience and help early adopters improve our ecosystem
    • Trustworthiness: good amount of preparation work, example
    • Trustworthiness: commitment, has been doing this for at least one month
    • Trustworthiness: has been a community member for more than 2 months
    • Trustworthiness: 3/4 votes
    • Why this proposal didn't pass: there was one important problem with trustworthiness. luxxor and dominic raised concerns about issues that are still to be solved before starting work on this project. The desire (improve developer experience) is really good, we all agree on that, but it's the plan which doesn't seem to be in a "yes go ahead" shape just yet. Ideas in this proposal like private groups and a SQLite-SSB interop are too early to be implemented. Maybe later, though! Remember that proposals can be resubmitted, and I think there will be better chances later on if the plan is reconsidered.
  • DNS-Butt @iameli
    • Purpose: decent, focused in scope, useful like keybase is
    • Trustworthiness: proposer's GitHub portfolio looks capable
    • Why this proposal didn't pass: rather low trustworthiness and not strong enough purpose. The proposer is very new to the community, I think it would make more sense to gain mutual trust and get to know the ways of working, intentions, etc. So this means, please resubmit the proposal! About the purpose, there is some non-zero overlap with dnssb and it's not clear whether the proposal is large enough in utility to be a one-month full-time equivalent.


If your proposal was selected, then do this in order:

  • Send invoice details as a private message to @dominic, either ETH address or bank details:
    • Option A: ETH address, plus mailing address for the invoice
    • Option B: bank name, bank address, account number, BIC/SWIFT code, plus mailing address for the invoice
  • Create a dev diary thread in the #ssbc-grants channel
  • Add your dev diary to this: %9psz2xP...

(Andre takes off the :tophat: adjudicator hat and puts it back in the closet)

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