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@Hendrik Peter %QsQrddoX6mH9qOne0zYvlEroIfo1p5rJzyJKP7XUuyE=.sha256

There we go, back to Sundsvall after a crazy-good weekend! thanks @andrestaltz, @hoodownr, @crowsnest, @cblgh, [@keks], @cryptix, (@YXkE3TikkY4GFMX3lzXUllRkNTbj5E+604AkaO1xbz8=.ed25519), Mehgan and all others that dropped by!

It was super duper fun to see your faces, the different efforts around other programming languages, the presentations on Manyverse, the super fun ideas and raw energy to start devving on existing and new stuff around the group and the graffiti!

My development goals after #extrasolar

  • Look at brining ssb-rooms to rust, or fix the current JS one so it can keep up when more than 5 people connect
  • Reboot #tightbeam, but rethink some of the big stuff in it.
  • Start thinking about bit of an "SSB starter kit" in either Rust or Elixir (it's about time SSB met with some telecom-legacy) with a basic project setup (bit like rails new or create-react-app does by creating a base folder and file structure and taking some of the bootstrapping out of the way in the spirit of omakase though I'll keep that on a lower fire for now until I can chat with other butts about it a bit more)

Future Meetups

  • I heard someone talking about doing another tech/coding session on the southern side of Sweden towards the spring (Covid-19 dependent).
  • Code-retreat in either Hassela or one of the other (more reachable) ski-parks in Sweden (I'll get back on this in when I'm back home)

Random awesomeness

@hoodownr drew me and I own "an authentic hoodownr" now!

a hoodownr.jpg

@cryPhone📱 %bTuzj9+B0L9I2K9UvyyVsouJcX2hDgwXBVqt/ToKuH4=.sha256
Voted There we go, back to Sundsvall after a crazy-good weekend! thanks [@andrest
@Soapy mcSoap %mgcljmUhAx2/1xjCkj9BCVVln8VeSEK5g8ht816dH9k=.sha256

this is fantastic!

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