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@cel %WB4vmfHLTgfzuIt8rbTxr4Ox0qSymT7neMnggVykNpE=.sha256


@Anders %GN0cnMk8Cf4fvPXn1MEtaERBY5w+FEMm4/LusSsIwAI=.sha256


@Gordon %qdsHo+1VS3CxrNu8dnL88KAZ8V525O1a+8KVmYv7vBE=.sha256

Awesome :D

ssb-cms looks super cool too.

Out of curiosity, are our machines helping keep the content backed up? Or are the scuttlebots communicating using a different network key / from behind a firewall or something?

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@mmckegg %5OHb+tXbsj4Sp4kkIlp1mELJEPQi0XIdFmmdOi1zMRQ=.sha256


@mix %f/+GhSBO9ksP8h9BFhG0eFNlqrRM/AjS4Z1pOhMefTg=.sha256

@regular this has made my day, I'm so excited to celebrate your success.

Here's to ecosystems ! :cocktail: :sparkles:

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@Dominic %xoEpOuzB3wCmlpEhLS2TNfFgoEiwL9EmVnf7oiiTU9g=.sha256

Or this just fantasy?

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@Dominic %IKNnQdbg05BBFhkXecMnaLhJdsIE77XqnADfFprSUZU=.sha256

@regular no no no! your line is

"Caught in a land slide..."

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@mikey %Qlusx7JTKnrc8P5Z9wzrZ8tXYNxzEm+bkVTUPvmxMOM=.sha256

i'm just a poor boy, i need no sympathy

@mix %7S7EA0CBaAGgzLaen3chLhHof8t9jZxQHydLe3YLoeI=.sha256

I just remembered this story <3

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