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@cryptix %cuJod+DcxKFYmrVp4YcSBbTr1P/d187lKX90V02S4JI=.sha256
Re: %8gybVg06n

@SoapDog: sure, add it!

Currently I'm leaning towards different modes like maybe in all the plugins/std/ minimal where in the later ones you'd have to add configs to enable clients.

all the plugins seems to be the most enjoyable experience for users while giving minimalists and devs felxibility with the later ones.

Until we have a way to (un-)register plugins (with v2, I hope) you have to reload sbot a lot to have the plugins available and having clients go through that during startup is really anoying. Which is why I added all of them I could find and .use()ed them in e0bd1b.... cc @mix

It makes it a pretty heafty sbot maybe but I like having them all on the table.

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