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@cryPhone📱 %8gybVg06n8aw8wijMkBSbhxlFfwL2ED2DYkUqQAati4=.sha256

Sooo #scuttle-shell is getting traction! I'm cooking up PRs for bay, tale & tron! cc

Here is a screenshot of tale:net and patchbay running of the scuttle-shell started by patchtron:

The reeeally nice thing about starting a dedicated sbot like this, is that clients spawn super fast as well which makes client development much more enjoyable!

Watch out for this when installing tools using scuttle-shell:

> forked-systray@2.0.0 postinstall /home/cryptix/patchbay/node_modules/forked-systray
> node ./scripts/fetch-prebuilt-helper.js

systrayhelper already installed.
testing execution
usage: systrayhelper
    send&receive json over stdio to create menu items, etc.

Version v0.0.2 (9cefb226229126f5942a179ec93051d57846c48a built unset)
helper started succesful!

cc @soapdog @mix @matt

@Anders %+JoHMFsEapRDVCEwKIYgjZdO+HBiQNbxYbgopi67i40=.sha256

Wow, super sweet! Great milestone. dancing

@SoapDog %40pupTkObrBSWJPM+U+xIMSgL8gA6K7SoURc/xWBW50=.sha256

awesome work @cryptix!!!! <3 <3 <3

And below is patchfox looking at your post with a shot from tale:net, patchtron and patchbay.

Patchfox (pre-alpha-will-break) - Firefox Developer Edition 2018-09-03 12.34.31.png

@mix %uVIJ5vo/jukED+lE3yC2hNit2HuzyKoxCkcV+nqdBAg=.sha256

this is awesome! I'm super super super excited for little hermes helper to be hanging out in my systray

Also, I realised I've never seen talenet ... which is kinda crazy. Is it in use and should we be using it and spreading the word?

@SoapDog %MoQMjDBvrEA0I7BPJfLmHrs7sRCvjzVoLSXEJsRgmms=.sha256

@cryptix I was thinking about adding a specific plugin to #scuttleshell as a default/bundled one. The one @andrestaltz made called ssb-threads. It greatly helps with experimentation and developing little clients. It might help me deliver an MVP of Patchfox...

@cryptix %cuJod+DcxKFYmrVp4YcSBbTr1P/d187lKX90V02S4JI=.sha256

@SoapDog: sure, add it!

Currently I'm leaning towards different modes like maybe in all the plugins/std/ minimal where in the later ones you'd have to add configs to enable clients.

all the plugins seems to be the most enjoyable experience for users while giving minimalists and devs felxibility with the later ones.

Until we have a way to (un-)register plugins (with v2, I hope) you have to reload sbot a lot to have the plugins available and having clients go through that during startup is really anoying. Which is why I added all of them I could find and .use()ed them in e0bd1b.... cc @mix

It makes it a pretty heafty sbot maybe but I like having them all on the table.

@SoapDog %Tm/Ee+gh5nLdi2DEY8Q6GCzwVuZanaO/q8gjqAQSqU0=.sha256

@cryptix there are some bugs on windows, I am fixing them at, should have a PR soon.

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