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@andrestaltz %fT1h983VaNx29OejvlKDYIYIFVHXqo6rBmJ2mrPT7aY=.sha256
Re: %sNJButV/3

I "love" this idea, I was thinking should I "improve" my personal brand by making my own logo? Why do only "companies" have logos? Sign me up for "SSB" premium curation. I buy you shares and crypto.


@dangerousbeans %LXqzTiQJQnv0g40AFDFxhiFsBbL7Tkw2/RGr7kGIvKc=.sha256

@andrestaltz 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒖𝒎 your account has been upgraded - we hope you enjoy the additional benefits and privileges only offered to premium ssb users.

@mix %ltuzE0TRsjLTMmg/ttHZd6VVov4l8Uf8vabAJt33BDU=.sha256
Voted [@andrestaltz 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒖𝒎](@QlCTpvY7p9ty2yOFrv1WU1AE88aoQc4Y7wYal7PFc+w=
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