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@Daan (deprecated) %xIqAHWxn5TBWMcwRHm0Fa8vGPcNiGYhU2eAXa0ICu7I=.sha256

So, this might seem obvious, but... we should have some infra in place to do local onboarding The Right Way(TM).
From what I saw on cccamp, the network does not tolerate udp multicast stuff? At least my machines didn't see each other... Or does anyone have differing experience there?
Anyhow, a simple wifi hotspot should do. Does anyone have experience how a regular android hotspot fares when it has let's say a dozen devices connected?

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@Daan (deprecated) %heI+XZy3wyYHrNg1qY+2zp4Syeqi4121YWLgefJt/5w=.sha256

@keks yes, that's what I thought. but if we want to host an actual, announced "onboarding session" we might end up with (hopefully) a lot of people, so I figured we should at least know that the hotspot we'll be using can handle :P

@Jacob %q+GWEfde1CoAn70TGp4CTzWF2jl9EcadP1dZFngRiZU=.sha256

@keks I don't know how it went at camp but I'm hyped for komona again!

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@plomlompom %iFj+IL8e0Ja//cEpxpPOFXiWfXv4uCXtASKtdmxt4y0=.sha256

Tagging this #komona so it appears in the respective stream :) (next tuesday 8PM first Komona at #36C3 planning mumble)

@Jacob %aJV0HEmarUy5HMepEGmFtaizdQzCzQHO1yQgrbsV8ns=.sha256

@ronne @plomlompom Where can people find the komona mumble?

@cryptix %PgAfUb75rBaG4Tx1JyF30IEPbIaNX7Qb4unkqXko+BU=.sha256
Voted hi, (I hope I'm doing this right, it's my first time answering a thread) -
@cryptix %QiiY3lvS5v6uOY8fyJ4kb2zFuTLI5rD7NWcQAhM09Nk=.sha256
Voted Tagging this #komona so it appears in the respective stream :) (next tuesda
@cryptix %HL1KyKHul3HeUpLb6LUcCMMIE8+aFEEzIHTD9Vu4laA=.sha256

@Powersource @zelf: i'm not 100% certain about the password-policy so I sent you a PM instead of dropping it here. every1 else, ping me via PM or @ronne if you want to join.

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@cryptix %PzrEJQ9BcSc6vKvDzSWLjXkKe6P+6VOYV7BEZIisbog=.sha256
Voted Updates from the Second Komona Meeting: Next meeting is planned on Saturda
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@Jacob %9XHOsOJUJLXlXDi4hJy4+0Gv6hO/SAW/OKccCI43+IU=.sha256


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@Rabble %N9nEFUN2vP5IaoYAq7np8px/c+OAfw2rIa6wRKSooq8=.sha256

Let's make sure we plan several sessions in Komona. I'd love some install fest times where people can know they can come to get various ssb apps installed. I'd also love a discussion with @keks about the state of new groups, @cryptix about the go implementation and using it for ssb mobile apps, and @Aljoscha about new feed formats. It'd be cool to have a 'build your own ssb client in an hour workshop, i think we could totally pull that off.

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@Daan Patchwork %9WbMiyLxPvFbIDFuTw03BYV/TzvEvS3XB160nkw3rO0=.sha256

Good luck everyone! Hope to see you all there! :)

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