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@cel %j+H0xnN1eUT6bl74kwsZcn895b/wLpCqn+aDYHqt058=.sha256

#ssb-npm #git-ssb

@arj @kira @romuloalves @mixmix


maybe make the git-ssb repo into a one-liner install script would be ideal. Like how easy it is to get started with nvm.


have the process involve only 1 download/ install

Are curl | sh installations considered okay? That is what nvm uses.

Is this too long for a one-liner install?:

curl '' > /tmp/example && echo 'a8dcb9c59e1b86eeb5cf893e5de9dbb439edd48269d1bfe02c9fef773779bf13  /tmp/example' | sha256sum -c && sh /tmp/example

Is install from a local blob useful?:

curl 'http://localhost:8989/blobs/get/&qNy5xZ4bhu61z4k+XenbtDnt1IJp0b/gLJ/vdzd5vxM=.sha256' | sh

Should Node.js be assumed/required to be already installed?

@mix %9c2tLY9jc7VU6fovTc3REBzEUl+Aw7YC091m4f8e+1o=.sha256

Here's nvm for comparison :

curl -o- | bash

I would go for that as a standard to aim for @cel. Things I like about that :

  • it's at a URL which I can read as a human
  • I have opened that file to see what sorts stuff it has in it
  • it's not too long (which gets scary)

I would consider making a route like :

You're running a server, this can just map to whatever blob, but it looks and feels legit. The good thing is that tag could map to a git tag. There's not reason for advanced users you can't have whatever else as well, like localhost, but TBH I think localhost doesn't really help people trying to bootstrap in if they're not in proximity to you the developer.

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@SoapDog %GxdNY1NvakobqpBatefcg1TG7FZWbm0q4RVknGDmeQ0=.sha256

@romuloalves the problem is handling the native modules like libsodium and others. Thats also what is preventing a binary release for scuttle shell as well.

@Anders %dAfG6VWe5u1eJEN22nkMleqbykCOmv83vvvlOeq5VsA=.sha256
Voted Here's nvm for comparison : ``` curl -o-
@Anders %KDhn9pKXc7uKssPJlXkU9mnrYsiK2lpg58lrxCktH9A=.sha256

Yeah assuming node doesn't seem to be that big of a problem I think. I like the idea of simple urls.

@mix %/SOYrS95LsHwqs3OIpgz5wNuBndxa33rgocoHx8PLjg=.sha256
Voted Yeah assuming node doesn't seem to be that big of a problem I think. I like
@cel %r4XEuXFWy3nU3FNoQrXNVUbtLLkTZpMCNkJTb8NRlzQ=.sha256

@romuloalves I would like to do that; it is a challenge, as @SoapDog said.
Thank you all for the feedback. Further investigating the installer URL idea in this thread: %LOQuJZL...

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