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@Dominic %kDrsaJXkDiRwit9mCCmqoWBqI3WWxBxp+82fjZELluU=.sha256


@mixmix asked me to draw the "tech tree" as I understood it for where I want to take ssb.

here is a dump of my ideas, in topological sort order (i.e. things that do not have dependencies first, then things they make possible)

Epidemic Broadcast Trees. Efficient/realtime replication



user invites


mobile-platform - compatible crypto, fs, networking

Out-Of-Order messages (flumedb)

relay-p2p (gossip-refactor)

curation/followable updates (mutable-documents)

Private-Groups (flumedb, OOO)

lightweight client (flumedb, EBT)

direct-p2p/utp/webrtc (relay-p2p, gossip-refactor)

patchshell - cross platform ui (curation, mutable-documents, mobile-platform)

note some of this stuff is protocol stuff and other stuff is related to my ideas around distributing depject applications.

@Dominic %1OtZ9eSMa0YHH7om/aAlizZokTwZcwGMpk4qg+a5M/4=.sha256

oh I missed multidevice
though that is actually mostly in the UI.

@aljoscha %kvwk2IaPpgqTt2W3eC4XqsbzC6RdTnNzzVEuZ0OU6Tg=.sha256

I know some of these words!

Are all of these backwards-compatible (either implementation detail changes or additional features), or are you willing to break things built on ssb/scuttlebot?

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@Dominic %VTsfB+DUEVE1rNKju96LzpC+hEUPt4+Uw1Gfw6S45rw=.sha256

Nice to instantly see that gossip->p2p is a separate branch. Even though it's not connected to anything for me, it would allow other protocols to be bolted on the side (using your ssb identities) realtime chat being the most obvious/least interesting.

@aljoscha most of these are new features, some are better ways to do the old thing (gossip-refactor, EBT) but will be introduced along side so we can make a graceful transition (and removing the legacy version later). Flume is a totally different internal organisation of the database etc, but the external sbot api is the same.

@mix %dovEJq1jCXDtM1SQijUrMUoyOqdjIaeptgnec2SHxCY=.sha256

@piet can you post the (kinda broken) PNG we generated

@andrestaltz %pPGwcJ9TmQldeo6SsSgnPf48Dgfa6lXcoQyMa2AKzf8=.sha256

I made it in yEd just because it's fun to use it. In PNG below


@andrestaltz %jzX1kv/6Qrf+TjWQQKU52DUM3/NTi309oH5veW2CRpI=.sha256

And the source (.graphml) and in SVG:


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@andrestaltz %YUjIvcgDREHrvnlXVfhtT7alFDtQduhwPNygOm1nTt0=.sha256

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@Dominic %Hrv1JUQUXfVcd1XpaTpC/7rEpbSO7HuMEuWnhvG9uMA=.sha256

status update: flume is fully merged, and ebt is nearly there. I'm starting to work on out-of-order messages.

@mafintosh and @andrestaltz are working on mobile.

Also an update on mutable docs

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@Dominic %6LGTTuyZ2y3252xVSuWrWFbgC2/4CK4gDK7xZKB3hno=.sha256

yes. out-of-order messages is working. finishing touches are being applied to epidemic-broadcast-trees. after that will be private groups

@mix %Yzgb7J5dLo6NlwZ8WbcFm2S4uotr5WEvf8kgBEUSq8Y=.sha256

I'm so pumped for ooo and ebt ... and then private groups. Groups are gonna change everything.

@yi %WFfUWdzkDIWvmmOxy/hKZkkl1e38F8q3QK6BGwvEIS8=.sha256

yes. #wechat #微信 from #tencent #腾讯 was exploding due to dynamics via groups

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