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@mix %rbQ6ggItkXWd3EPZ/G6zIOIN2r+d14v2egEVqvxbXoo=.sha256

This is me testing @arj's new DAT-attachment feature in patchbay!

It's looking like this :

dat attachment

And here's my first DAT attachment : Ziva_blueberry_splitz.mp4

@mix %E5ZnfYq5xUhnofN+3a+GLZfJwHJ+N27j544ZlD6xUHo=.sha256

if we could embed DAT content I think it should display here ...

@mix %SlcgPMGZsesIO+pzeZQlVWvjVxR37HDksurzHRiqGAM=.sha256

One gotcha I tripped on was that the first dat-shared-files shares a file it runs fs.existsSync ... and one way this check it using a try/ catch block which if you have the debugger open and set to halt on throws ... then it snags there. I panicked for a moment but turns out it was totally fine.

You can help : please confirm that you can see that DAT file I just posted (in Beaker Browser for the moment I guess)

@kas %DQiyCQZ+FNXIaX3Xsf/I3LpH794rN2P2GOvcIBiSsgQ=.sha256
Voted This is me testing [@arj](@6CAxOI3f+LUOVrbAl0IemqiS7ATpQvr9Mdw9LC4+Uv0=.ed2
@mix %uLM7oLg6lzgaBwycToTPzPHkYod+TBtJrtxM3UWi/xw=.sha256

This is now live in Patchbay master branch !

cc @christianbundy look

@kas %9BL8lTHWNDoq6L4tbGAz8YOPsWMkCDaBAiIHTC9dt1M=.sha256

And here's my first DAT attachment : Ziva_blueberry_splitz.mp4

I have always thought it would be nice with a visual clue for files that are external to SSB, no matter what protocol is used. When I first arrived at SSB, I idealistically used symbols like , 🔗 or 🌍 – either as unicode or as emojis – to indicate external links, but then I ran out of steam. I wonder, can CSS do that automatically, even if the indicator is just with a different colour?

@Dominic %38TBDwhIVmr5ommpAskEjWWXoHzaCQh61h5llWx/WYE=.sha256

@kas yes you can do that!

a[href^="http"]::after {
    content: "🔗";

::after { content: "<foo>"} inserts <foo> after the match,
and a[href^="http"] matches a elements that have an href attribute that starts starts with (^=) "http".

That would work as is in patch{work,bay} because they don't use http links internal values, but with http based clients like patchbay, you'd just have another css rule that came after that one that matched localhost hrefs and disabled the link symbol. something like that.


@kas %SLCQoE4EOvGE+SVKu24W0ftsQPMbwSIxXT0PxA9gero=.sha256

yes you can do that!

Oh, sweet. Thanks, @dominic!

@Anders %oxOI+7faFCYgD//6+PFiIcjjdi+ciwgaXL5lH76Hhpc=.sha256
Voted > And here's my first DAT attachment : [Ziva_blueberry_splitz.mp4](dat://53
@Anders %yLPqfeA3jHy+CbCmwk8SKbZWzTHB6nlF/EZdkFpFMq8=.sha256
Voted This is me testing [@arj](@6CAxOI3f+LUOVrbAl0IemqiS7ATpQvr9Mdw9LC4+Uv0=.ed2
@Anders %qFRqqE88FNGlKbT28d67NgJFVqbu/QsqcumYPc0G7cE=.sha256

Thanks for reviewing and fixing things up @mix

hermes watering can gardening flower

Beaker is not picking up the dat link you posted. I'll try posting one as well, it was working when I tested it. I have my pub sharing dat links, so if it picks it up while you are online, there should be at least one seed with a relatively high uptime.

Now for some german tanzmusik #berlin Rammstein_-_Radio.mp4

@Anders %FomFxnhze6UN/jj4wkjrAHQPKGTI6cmyD06PJQu6VAE=.sha256

Ziva link is now working for me. So cute :heart:

@kas %dUzUdcznnbysbWjtvbO9RjDPxwJYoQBDIOHQJvRkcc8=.sha256

Now I have

a[href^="http://"]::after {
  content: " 🔓";
a[href^="https://"]::after {
  content: " 🔒";
a[href^="dat://"]::after {
  content: " 🖧";

in …/patchfoo/static/styles.css. :smiley:

@mix %Uh+8D6t97e35FCOq/HLjNd+VAiFJW5yhFjITpJYOJKY=.sha256
Voted [@kas](@dBQlwh9Gtr3i5YMOGtIOKtGNVepeu+nyb6KGl1vtOcM=.ed25519) yes you can d
@mix %jnA2TybLbqxjvtAgHT3Yl1dH5YmizaY5T8f4Y0T7fKU=.sha256
Voted Ziva link is now working for me. So cute :heart:
@Connor %NzXQmIl+XiP8uAeTpG3A+QLyeNmfkB/Z9wolxhbT6mM=.sha256
Voted This is me testing [@arj](@6CAxOI3f+LUOVrbAl0IemqiS7ATpQvr9Mdw9LC4+Uv0=.ed2
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@Anders %k1PfmTH+pky5zQgn3wWhwMJGQf0qrFsyT1+Q90pXtr8=.sha256
Voted Now I have ```css a[href^="http://"]::after { content: " 🔓"; } a[href^=
@Christian Bundy %s9w67JlGj91ydJ/QEBofncm8U/+IOIp1tWzsZD2OG7k=.sha256


Woo! I can't get Beaker working right now but I'm super excited that this is merged!

@mix %zW8dOiw+SW9ZYjRMxTyAkoItayM2OUes+Mcmh4u3mag=.sha256
Voted [@mix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519) Woo! I can'
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