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@cel %uv+ed+pizSX4hPHxEO4IhpKS1V29J1VpFa+JLGw2E7Q=.sha256
Re: %m6JoXt048


I completed implementing comments on lines in diffs in git-ssb-web: %5SAOXTt....

@arj requested this feature in %lsZl5ST... and @cryptix motivated it in %8Eh3er8.... This closes an 11-month old issue %4RfTsh/....

Example line-comment message: %Zh4ZUal...
Replies to a line-comment are the same as replies to a post thread: %W2CWvjy...

This one was a mistake; please ignore it: %RwIeGY9...

Screenshot, from http://localhost:7718/%25dj8flkHHw9iE2alf5Sip9xBRYuhnUudUbBehP5QYZ98%3D.sha256/files:


To make a comment on the diff, click the "..." links on the left side of the diff view for the line where you want to place a comment. This should work on a pull-request diff or a commit diff. The comment thread will be anchored to the commit + file + line number (which is how git-appraise does it). Let me know if you find any bugs or have trouble with the feature.

Next I will try to implement UI for this in patchfoo.

@Anders %JZ+ejkIbtnJhTv5Vupl5MOtWlzgn9/WSxkg04T19OzI=.sha256

This is so great @cel! Really looking forward to testing it out. I think this was one of the big blockers for people to move away from github for ssb development.

@cryptix %oQBPP029o7MC6chovYIdriTAazFRP4SGKZ3eyV9l7ic=.sha256

REALLY glad to have this now! Looking forward to testing it later today.

@mix %aHauTQ3CA/iiYMf01hj6hRbO+cZ0ezqVMzWEctj7KTo=.sha256

this is the tipping point for me... awesome @cel

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