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@cel %yCBIJ1QxcCst+zaE2/09VPqOO/JMo8veBK6R4u1/aYE=.sha256
Re: %m6JoXt048



I was away from development and SSB entirely for some time, for personal reasons. The following are what I planned to accomplish in the beginning for this grant, and what I have done so far:

  • @cel %FwgAV9r...
    • Fix memory usage issue of git-ssb-web.
      Not done. May require deep restructuring.
    • Produce a better library for js ssb clients to use to integrate git-ssb.
      Done: %rhCGsxx...
    • Implement filtering of repo updates by author or other criteria.
      Not done.
    • Implement better recovery for "broken" repos.
      Not done; I'm not sure if this is still needed.
    • Identify and/or implement protocol/schema improvements.
      Protocol improvement of dependency branch traversal for recursive dependency resolution implemented.
  • @dominic %aJPiWJD...
    • job-queue thing for open issues and pull requests
      Not done.
  • @arj %lsZl5ST...
  • @Gordon %fwQAXBa...
    • ability to restrict who can push to your repository
      Not done
  • @noffle %JkbzHpO...
    • a way to easily reference repos in a github-like {author,org}/repo format via git-ssb and git-ssb-web
      Not done

I have no progress to report, but just wanted to provide this summary update.

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