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@Rabble %zZVHw5Lfvk6wOdsQhv5KD2MKgd81vcXX0Tw1gyJHN+g=.sha256

We’re releasing Planetary 2.0 with #scuttlego rewrite of #go-ssb. There is a ton which has been updated. The main thing is that the app syncs faster, using less memory, less bandwidth, and without overloading the CPU.

This release also includes full support for rooms and we’ve switched to using as a room / identity server.

We need help testing.

This is the result of tremendous work from boreq, Martin, Matt Lorentz, Sebastian Heit, Daniel Onren Latorre, mixmix, and chereseeriepa.

@Daniel Onren Latorre %yA5Ob8GXGToqv1zz8ySgSYYR2/kigP+0dCBNwD+RIL4=.sha256
Voted We’re releasing [Planetary](@oeNoy1RIArVdMdk8ndeoKbAKuU8b56VgxlYP5y8b9Ic=.e
@willscott %2ZZe87VGZX9wpwi295zPnIwlahVPUKTDY8iJ5gYRFFw=.sha256
Voted We’re releasing [Planetary](@oeNoy1RIArVdMdk8ndeoKbAKuU8b56VgxlYP5y8b9Ic=.e
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