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@yi %ATRJm3k57Dk6v2ok3X9htGm76M0bqHeuYpS168eka+8=.sha256
Voted I'm pretty sure dhh knows how to code up his own site, and has done so seve
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@mikey %eEccOdWPwoIQyRGRyc+gu8nt/nhFLJ4qPP/Z/2PqDEM=.sha256
Voted I love these instructions!
@Rich %ZypKN/dRjV0HMjJGKilzMaEq/Rprpau1YqTNKZxLa7s=.sha256
Re: %Ws9D2khzp

I love these instructions!

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@mix %YXyNRB/rabz43WAiLMtQJYfCcsPpCeHZyQXCJ76XGo0=.sha256
Re: %Ws9D2khzp

thanks for starting a new thread. There's not much to it, the format is :

  • same place and time in an easy open location (a code school I work at)
  • open invitation
  • music (+ byo burgers, beer if you feel like it)
  • no rules about what you should do (other than respect others)
@mix %KfaG6YdFBGW75sjCdtkuS013IPBM7kjhGofLoosYWFU=.sha256
Re: %Omw69K3+s

@jekrb I would echo what @dinosaur said, and add that I'm lucky enough to know a few programmers who value different sorts of coding. @dinosaur even organised a regular event in our city called 'art-hack', which is all about doing whatever is interesting, and nothing about that other stuff it's easy to get stuck in. It' basically a space to go, create, and cheer each other on

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