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@dan %LQkQUc6b4b8c3is0j3NU2Ymbxn8de+sHVHATSn5UHIU=.sha256

Capital Raising for Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium

Hello Dan,

I wanted to reach you out and introduce my firm - US Capital Global. A firm focused on Capital Raising and technology.

A registered investment bank and broker-dealer, we not only have deep relationships in the crypto space but also have our own network of institutional investors interested in exciting high growth projects.

I’d love to schedule a call and learn more about your firm and tell you about our unique value in the space.

Thank you

Kate Melnyk | Vice President
US Capital Global
555 Montgomery Street, Suite
1501 San Francisco, CA 94111
Schedule a meeting with me!

We've hit the big time y'all getting cold calls from VPs.

@dan %1PAFOdEQCuSRWMWZkboh+wtKrWCqT6Orl0mpWj4KU5Q=.sha256

translation = this is my version of humor

@dan %9VCdiOUD4jYlgijfLym+tTqqoYCtKmP/uxLYpTd7QDE=.sha256

addition = though this was a real email which was in my inbox this morning

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@Soapy mcSoap %SudInIJc1ZehPFR3LXrZweqfok6Ko/MjRFKnCp6Y/EI=.sha256

our disruptive collective is using an enhanced distributed form of socialnetwork based on a blockcoral which is like a blockchain but alive and self-healing. (swimming in :moneybag:)

@Anders %F1AAsQRIfMy5LpaT3Lr8GgWBEwtntNSfI/EVeJ49FI0=.sha256
Voted # Capital Raising for Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium Hello Dan, I wanted
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@Rabble %nkPBluejTDu++iw7T+0r9qLTwZcXY1wxrcpG9lctYVs=.sha256

I'm not sure how much VP means when a half the organization has a title of VP, Directory, Senior, or Chairman?

Perhaps they didn't bother to learn that SSBC isn't a company. I'm guessing you could create a company to take investment from them keeping all the code and copyrights open sourced?

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@SoapDog %OAm65eWo78K63zseO3C/TD4BwHZZrKCZa9YnX0pg618=.sha256

KawaiiPunk isn't that just called an ICO? :smirk: I'm joking but if you stop to look at it, there are a ton of projects that get funding and never deliver, SV appears to enjoy this.

@Gordon %TViGyxsIkIaqPEdxnxXj0qPlVSnlGuY5pYOfKDDl5sY=.sha256
Voted blockchain AI machine learning internet of things augmented reality web 5.0
@Linas Dreamy %+VPq2HsCkv0OVL/69Rl7/egtsDLCawCjKnOBTLiTP5E=.sha256
Voted # Capital Raising for Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium Hello Dan, I wanted
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