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@andrestaltz %OuDXs1wNPPEgzyF2BletMJ/XJPlQ4ygyTk00MrYXrnA=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

Improving routerless scuttlebutt

Thread: %svwPJjV...

In purpose. There are many parts of the lower parts of the SSB stack that need improvement, and this proposal is that. It is well aligned with use cases with community (WiFi/LAN) networks, which SSB promises to support, but currently a lot of our use cases are internet/pub centered. It supports use cases in developing countries as well. Suggestion how to improve in purpose: consider picking some people to be your "customers", e.g. Luandro and Nico Pace who are running mesh networks, try to build the tools that they need to optimize their use cases related to link-local discovery and sync, so to avoid self-serving (which is often easy).

In trustworthiness. The proposer is rather new (1 month) to the community, but has been recommended and connected with other people e.g. cel and Zelf and myf. The proposal was carefully planned, with week-by-week work tasks, well mapped. Good amount of background investigation. This proposal got good votes from the community (@teq, @happy0, @arj, @mix, @cryptix and no non-votes). Suggestion how to improve in trustworthiness: don't use grant money for mere learning, because learning is just investment into yourself, the grant is about funding projects that produce output useful for the community, see the purpose paragraph above.

The proposal was accepted on the basis of well-aligned long-term purpose and community vouched trustworthiness.

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