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@mix %QS86lcEfQbGXEqu25EGZc2MegxJvDGpJCvPuAAT/KuY=.sha256

New Suggest mentions

Not sure if you'd seen this annoying thing where in patchbay sometimes you couldn't mention someone who you for sure followed ... or who you'd mentioned before? Over the past few days I've been extracting / refactoring / extending work @matt did for @-mentions in patchwork.

I've published a new module called ssb-suggest, which does all the heavy lifting on the server side (woop), as well as a new major version of patch-suggest which consumes it.


  • See aliases
    • improved ! - now only includes aliases created by people you follow (hooray no more abuse!)
  • Mention people by aliases e.g. ahdinosaur OR mikey


  • No accidental strangers :new:
    • people you don't follow have a :question: next to them
    • especially useful for #dark-crystal and private messages


  • Sorting - mostly the same!
    • improved ! - now bubbles accounts with aliases dead... or deprecated... to the bottom of the list
@cryptix %20Ih3SXI3oioBrJHOexG1W4vVPXTZdMvsxkQd4s0ojc=.sha256
Voted # New Suggest mentions Not sure if you'd seen this annoying thing where in
@Anders %0HxRVFPIP4SNc9mZYiWS43Ty5Uf+jBxGk2zf5R4QarE=.sha256
Voted # New Suggest mentions Not sure if you'd seen this annoying thing where in
@dan %GvkS9dESKd8unXRCZNKcrOQKI1doEmCPnp+ULQiN0vg=.sha256
Voted # New Suggest mentions Not sure if you'd seen this annoying thing where in
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@Gordon %SC3MerpF9eSSkt0DK9xOdYRK2cBc5mi2433krz4RDIY=.sha256
Voted # New Suggest mentions Not sure if you'd seen this annoying thing where in
@mix %hmzzV1mpRs3umj6sXOSooO2ScK2j/Zbj9+wvzBA6VIQ=.sha256

yeah this sorts that. I think @matt's patchwork code should be working with that, but if it's not maybe there's a bug.

Right now in what I wrote the person appears once in the default suggestions for each time they posted in the thread. Sigh ... there is no end to the polishing

@mix %wj8jW7VsVSLdvuBh/mcadgj6BF7OEwc1e5XsNd8lDYE=.sha256

AAAND fixed

default suggestions for a thread now

  • exclude include yourself
  • are deduped
  • have accurate "following" info
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@mix %Xv7CrRPYdJf8n/6NUm44b+sBldH795Hn5/Pi2fxmH7M=.sha256
Voted woot! thanks [@mix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519)
@kieran %CV6hmaaUqx96coNhXWYimrklfhyAGiaZC6lIkppm3q0=.sha256
Voted # New Suggest mentions Not sure if you'd seen this annoying thing where in
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