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@mmckegg %a57CYV0JbGMowg8tk73k9oH8Ye5Wgyz5XC2TgcPn5gc=.sha256

Patchwork 3.8.7 Released

Haven't yet pushed this out as a notified update. Would like some confirmation that it works on Linux first (cc @Mikey).

Lots of small fixes! Unfortunately I haven't been able to update the embedded scuttlebot version due to some compatibility problems that are still to be fixed.



Change Log (since v3.8.6)

  • your own messages no longer count as "new", instead are dynamically inserted into the feed (no more losing your place when you reply!) (thanks @Setupminimal for starting this)
  • added option to filter out channel subscriptions from public and channel pages (thanks @mnzaki)
  • fix "Hide posts in channels that are not subscribed" setting (and improve wording)
  • add link hover previews for channels
  • rank channel auto-complete by most used
  • profile auto-complete: prioritize thread members and highlight people you follow
  • only show top friends/followers/following on profile page
  • allow filtering profile lists
  • fix some messages getting truncated (missing "Show more")
  • add patchwork version info to settings screen (thanks @SoapDog)
  • fix appearance of divider in dark theme
  • some typo/spelling fixes (thanks @capisce and @olegskl)
  • focus on existing patchwork if already running (thanks @happy0)
  • show warning when user does not follow anyone (thanks again @Happy0!)
  • "Learn More" in help menu now links to (thanks @LanceW)
  • local peers now disappear from sidebar on disconnect
  • fix double channel mentions
@mix %0aILjIt9o0zmcYmQJSd+//8UpEDHAsovGpH7t1Cw4dk=.sha256

@matt - Linux feedback (mix is running Kubunutu 17.04 - debian based with an i3 interface).

Feedback on your release notes:

  • AppImage needs chomod +x to be able to easily run from commandline
  • starts fine, clicking around is all good
  • When I open it I'm immediately told I am not following anyone:
    • this is what it shows while indexing
    • I feel rejected
    • propose: only show that when sync: true, don't just the gun
  • tested most of the other things there, all seems good

Notes for future releases:

  • I'd love for us to both use patch-suggest - we're both adding cool innovations and not getting the best of each other's work
  • You should know about ssb-server-channel
    • an ssb server plugin which indexes channel things
    • I've over-ridden channel.obs.subscribed in #ticktack and it's :sparkles: :fast_forward: super fast
@mmckegg %k6U6BLBcdxZ1rvubclFRi7wpOHtSU4nCz7WUoQHQqys=.sha256

Thanks @mix!

I'll go ahead and flush this release out for real then!

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@mmckegg %FDEv62z89Yx7l1ra4fmRWYSJwGaHt6iKPDL09MD2ewI=.sha256

Thanks, good catch. I think I screwed up at some point when merging a PR and accidentally deleted a lot of the english strings :scream_cat: :ghost:

Have been slowly adding them back in as i found missing ones, but that one slipped through.

@mmckegg %NNCD3rnxOxVEWiKrZ8QNC8GH1EIArAIFGbNzyaMYb9Q=.sha256

Okay, I just pushed out Patchwork v3.8.8 to address @mix and @Joey STANFORD's issues!

Thanks for reporting :relaxed:

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@Gordon %wltABOvWeeoSgL3afpH8NJqoUuo/kZtbM6Bh12JtDRM=.sha256

Woops, sorry about the 'warning displaying on indexing' bug =p.

Thanks for testing better than I did =].

@mix %Sgbjkcgfdsd7PsPZ7mMNqlPB9Y5mosXgMzzdSQ0pLdc=.sha256

I'm an ideal tester - I like poking holes and I don't use patchwork everyday, so I'm more likely to bump into indexing bugs

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@Rich %q2zfJOq1qWJ7P5uCkfeq7cHu1VXn/Tb8Pj4EhMFp22Y=.sha256

Thanks @Matt McKegg, love your work :smiley:

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