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@Anders %ssEFz6BNCjV1oX3x+Gc9kY+OaNFaLIGxRrgmMT/Wt2c=.sha256

Protocol design call 2

Sun, 30 Jun 2019 17:00:00 GMT

7 attending


@Anders %+BmslEize4oxzRfjLemA9Qy7MsAzM/cS5whFPIItT/s=.sha256

@aljoscha @cft @christianbundy @cryptix @dominic @keks

@Anders %P1qo1kAys2ghKGnc5SW+8vCWLW0IY6Ui5AbNC3FzLZ4=.sha256

Notes from last call

@Anders %vBd6PZGd2KqKgnNPepoB26h3HTjXAH2yjc98q7OAoJs=.sha256

@Rabble @rabble @rabble

@aljoscha %QhVqEa6S7Yb3ZxQqePEVGC8oyqK8EE9mD5OUWqiE720=.sha256

Agenda suggestion: Going through birch so that cft can tell us all the things we should address in Hamburg without him.

@Anders %l61f9EjMdt0iFwaDeWWBODi7NaC2EUOim7uGuFW6Q/Q=.sha256
Voted Agenda suggestion: Going through [birch](
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@Anders %UDiBEPwE2jLEDFdaPYrRrWFpx0UuLzzYkzRgflUYTOA=.sha256

Hackmd for call

@Dominic %CBlTdRn2onvHZCkCkX8T299Fxbvrx8rPpDhfOxsPx14=.sha256

@cft where do I get this "patched version" of xml2rfx?

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