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@kas %VQb+l3lQPx60uqzxaFRAvxWkvhtUPY+5Va13jaA+/as=.sha256


It seems a Norwegian crab island, Alltinget, has built a bridge to the bigger Scuttleverse. Lots of posts (and user manuals) written in Norwegian is coming through. Let's see where this goes.

Welcome, Norway!

@kas %4QBogkmP03th/MxVEzyv+I0AiQiR6rfITML0cS2Jx3Q=.sha256

At a frist glance they do not seem to be friendly towards ‘foreign’ (i.e., non-Norwegian) posts: The user who calls himself Pål Gråbein (litt.: Paul Greyleg|Greybone) warns, in big letters in several posts against following any foreign pubs (‘lest you have your feed polluted’). If they are serious about this, they should probably consider building patchwork, or whatever client they're using, with a different network key.

@Gordon %NvNnPJW8S3YICVsnRTcfKwQwTCpMN7ci4NHU1effaaQ=.sha256

@kas - dunno about you, but I'm getting the impression that person might be a nazi. unless google translate gives me the wrong impression, there seems to be a lot of antisemitism earlier in their feed.

Are their friends likely to be the same? :\

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@Christian Bundy %m24W8pCPueM4TmYhLNUXYEbLDJzlTNkQ1aMWFeIxif4=.sha256


Yeah, I wasn't familiar with most of the writings they were talking about, but it's clear that they were mostly aimed at Jews, Zionism, and occult conspiracy bullshit. The last straw for me was this message about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which I've only seen circulated in antisemitic circles.

I'm planning to block their feed, delete their content, and decrease my hops to 2.

@kas %5a0Zc5Uutlg/YkXh25qgstbBxRssjFnoJaRDA79fjiI=.sha256

@happy0, to be honest, I don't know. I don't particularly like the tone of that person's latest posts but I haven't had the spoons to read through all of their posts. I guess time will tell.

@Christian Bundy %+nPWAYwkaNQkeksLJJHzimyw1fdxjnQkPE0EquLOnjU=.sha256
Voted [@kas](@RuNxm8SRujPcJx6GjtTQHp6hprAFv5voEkcvoAkB8Pk=.ed25519) [@happy0](@R
@kas %g6e9Fk6qcp5kK6Zh/EOpmu3p9LZD8K46cMjQO/kcqPA=.sha256

Damn, they've made an all-Norwegian “Get started with Secure Scuttlebutt – in one easy lesson” homepage:

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@mikey %EjRgA3f2x7q9kV3w8WRQ1j3XLU6YlSslO/LcPrW750E=.sha256

wait, is this person the same as @Yum511X...?

they were the first person blocked on ssb: %h/v/7x8..., %XlnB8hP..., %e28r+ve... :information_source:

@kas %6qRgEkcdUZ+4wWRPVaLP1V5KA/vBXchT8mctVoeQg90=.sha256

Looks like that's the guys, yes.

@andrestaltz %yHrCDtEWN2TXnmNp1vbBFOe4PgeuWonc+ifhzaUwtgo=.sha256

I'm curious to start visualizing the block graph in Gephi now that we have enough data on blocks.

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@Gordon %YiVVi5nISqgDmw590nPKZpP8zNuLXxOwNay22lr10rM=.sha256
Voted [@happy0](@RJ09Kfs3neEZPrbpbWVDxkN92x9moe3aPusOMOc4S2I=.ed25519) thanks for
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@kas %PScGkEWCmmye9I58cf/q2CWqdGBbM4inpVqJRkC52Fo=.sha256

Another Alltinget pub:

Another Greybone ID:

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@ev %NbZ7cTeov6i3gvU2AniU0bIc1Pxf7paWuQ56fc4LiK8=.sha256

@kas Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed about the identities sharing this content, as well as their Norwegian-language website advertising ssb.

As far as I can tell, none of the content made it to my end of the scuttleverse -- and I'm syncing at three hops.

This is probably because I wasn't associated with the TickTack pub?

@Gordon %+NgL5+thGN4LMfTF3wvraMhzETQ9LlUDBvdQwJTZ/e0=.sha256
Voted I was just thinking how on the one hand it's a shame how an uncontrolled/de
@Gordon %zM0N6YRwc3bOqVMEY6wrW111yWG02es/FflhMrZadLM=.sha256
Voted @utunga I resonate with what you said, it was quite weird to see SSB, Patch
@kas %8xCWR6ehGzvaEuP7mD92u+1Y5Uj3cyo2aO8mSYnitHs=.sha256

@ev, yes I guess the entry point was the TickTack pub. However, I blocked the original Alltinget pubs, Mr Greybone's IDs and the TickTack pubs, yet I saw the Alltinet pub and the Greybone ID that I reported today.

I think the new vector into the Norwegian crab island is @Daddy_Warbucks or in the vicinity thereof. They are friends with e.g., (693 friends), @pub_dinosaur_one (419 friends), (464 friends), and @pub_ticktack (117 friends), which gives a lot of exposure, and they are following 185 IDs, including several IDs from the Norwegian crab group.

It takes a lot of clicking around to see these connections. I wish it was possible to have some sort of realtime, clickable, graphical display of the social graph that would let you explore your connections and also block or follow people.

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@kas %+5GiLZJw5HzqtRpeBefRHjr5tPuf7WfbixmxISrEa5M=.sha256
Voted [@kas](@RuNxm8SRujPcJx6GjtTQHp6hprAFv5voEkcvoAkB8Pk=.ed25519) > realtime,
@kas %qjHM7JBwNPJPENySOHzqmEZxu8i3X9IvI54vPUh8+sc=.sha256

/me is cheering on @alanz to not give up on the ssb-explorer.

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@kas %Dd9SVx3Wckncj+TL52hw1KfoSzuWvpEHOYy/FZWWX9U=.sha256

SQLite would be a boon! :+1:

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@Dominic %j9/yMR/9zUvU1HV1dNa4SRltjJzeb4uag4pQlBa5ThQ=.sha256

maybe they got bit by one of the nazi zombies featured in this documentary?

@ev %XsrLzEX2y70MJ0iueMNggYDlA/2QAfzE88/0RmJwk7w=.sha256

It takes a lot of clicking around to see these connections. I wish it was possible to have some sort of realtime, clickable, graphical display of the social graph that would let you explore your connections and also block or follow people. - @kas

Yes, this would be awesome. Or perhaps something similar to the LinkedIn feature where you see "You're connected to this person via this person and ... others"?

I wonder how hard this'd be to pull off with ssb-friends...

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@mix %hkPtOOX+rX3LKVr8nf0UEDm1L1Z8wrqwNPTT6MrJqpo=.sha256

@keks if someone wants to give me command line blocking commands I can run them. It's a bit of a chore though TBH.

Perhaps we need a better strategy.

I looked at one of those conspiracy posts that can through and it looked pretty exciting. Like Pharohs in Ireland... and Atlantis

Ireland - Land of the Pharaos (2005)
The Quest for Our Atlantean Legacy


@cryptix %9eKEqGz5pOcISsuE63MHlWPzOwLuDGjq9yiNLMyrQP4=.sha256

@mix: If you can ssh into the pub, this should do:

sbot publish --type contact --blocking --contact "@pdJfCbCX6WJO2naIjKLEQImNm64TbZkUvhCeAL+U3Tw=.ed25519"
sbot publish --type contact --blocking --contact "@oiLoor+V21JZ9beFfKnAVVBq7XCrfTcKcVa4Zmn4XZw=.ed25519"
sbot publish --type contact --blocking --contact "@gSBr7YGt94RUXnjTg0J8tgky5xZHM+oAdc092bBMx/k=.ed25519"

I also made this script for tale:net a while back which uses the master plugin/ssb-config array to allow others to do this without ssh shell access to the pub. It's ssb-client handling might need an overhaul, though. :cold_sweat:

Collecting tools like this into a pub runners toolbelt seems needed, though.

Might also be a good exercise (as in training and work) to integrate and test these: %sZvGodu...

@cryptix %zNQJeSqR5Pvy0C0/UGKY8LG0+uBINxgWyn0NWVtko2w=.sha256

forgot two.. lets make the above:

cat > /tmp/notsorry << EOF

cat /tmp/notsorry | while read id
  sbot publish --type contact --blocking --contact "$id"
@kas %CX1S3i3+XVfGdSsXFPS1CPZrW09bYU6xlK82MLYvQNE=.sha256

Shameless plug: See also ssb-utils, that has a block/unblock command.

Caveat: these utils are ripe for a rewrite (for various reasons), but I still find them more convenient to use than the lower level sbot/sbotc commands.

If you run sbot on one or more pubs, and if you run a local sbot (e.g. with patchfoo), you can also install the ssb-identities plugin on the local sbot and let it know about the secret files on your VPSes. That way you can locally issue commands on behalf of the remote sbots by using identities.publishAs() instead of publish(). I find this very handy. And one day when I'm bored I will incorporate this in ssb-utils.

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@kas %AtN8e8Njq1VqqxAjCg2LUyM+cXEEIob/1iiKI5FDxls=.sha256

@rabble, I agree. For now:


  • Python 3+
  • @cel's sbotc
  • pyNaCl: python sodium bindings, only required for ssb-vanitygen


Copy src/ssb* to a directory in your $PATH and make sure they're excutable. The ssb shell script works a bit like git: To invoke e.g. ssb-block, call ssb block (note the missing hyphen), which makes it easy to add any subcommand written in any language to the suite.



  ssb command --help

for help on ssb-command.


$ ssb block --help
usage: ssb-block [-h] [-v] [-c] [-u] CONTACT [COMMENT [COMMENT ...]]

positional arguments:
  CONTACT          contact (i.e., pubkey)
  COMMENT          optional comment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --version    show version information and exit
  -c, --copyright  show copying policy and exit
  -u, --unblock    unblock, rather than block
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@mix %tQUtdWKgYS3dnVQtFsprh2/WBRL4tgig7ulE0yZC+TQ=.sha256

Thanks for this %9eKEqGz... @cryptix BLOCKED!

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