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@Daan Patchwork %A84/hqNXSoK1kfRjhGg5/j+/LM/200P6QSLEgvwE8e0=.sha256

@noffle great work, I also hope it's gonna be in patchwork or thelike!
But I guess it's gonna need a fair bit of other work, too, to make it really useful, no?
Because at the moment, you can "only" publish a website once, then never update it, right?
What I feel is lacking in ssb-land (and what you also mention) is an up-to-date source of information. Threads age and get hard to find very quickly. And the only place I see where I could collect some information in a way that other people always know where to find it would be my profile information...
So I guess ssb (clients) would have to learn a "diff" or "update" message that modifies an old one? Then it would come down to client-side presentation so that the user knows the message has been edited, and can go through the history if necessary.

Anyway, great work! :)

@andrestaltz %nGw2mL7/kBosoWCngdp0bfatDtOb1OnMvFD/F9qWRWs=.sha256

Brilliant! And so obvious, how come we haven't seen this before? Great job!

@andrestaltz %HGIbpSK22BsToKgGuA/PKGp3vrOLOZ8eH8D/LBhXX58=.sha256

@noffle The viewers aren't currently displaying your thread, do you know why? I'd like to share these news on the web, but not sure what's the best link to share

@Anders %/EnZsWhrirk2oj4TN3NaSi5uzYNjz/olv0BmYZKLud4=.sha256

Excellent! Great work. This together with blog posts (calm branch) will make ssb-viewer much more useful for people. Fits perfectly into the pub as a second device.

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@SoapDog %ZDFWhyjysuqqsZfhSHZBDtQcp06VU0+dqnPmge3NMRE=.sha256

@noffle this is AMAZING thanks a lot! :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

@Dominic %1mqd/tWywEg9RRjWP8d3HudcD5pqEaKAmlFXykk8VCE=.sha256

Okay, so putting it into my own words, to check I understand this:
the id of the webside is the root json link blob, which represents a directory.
the urls are resolved from left to right - if there is a hash, it looks it that up directly - but if there is a name (file name or directory name) it takes it from the json link blob - which probably points to another blob - if that path name is a directory, then it should point to another json-link blob - but if it's a file it should point to a content blob.

This is pretty interesting. It's an interesting pattern - you securely identify a root object, then refer to it's own links by their name. It would be interesting to also have this sort of pattern with messages. Since they also encode links and values.

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@Dominic %aIXv5zSF2BZxDGShO7Enky/4oLJNSevQRISxxYlNRzE=.sha256

it would also be very awesome if this could work with secret blobs

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@cel %cUgA6le1WTERsKESv5uyDUyQotc+A9Xz7h25OhXYLCE=.sha256

rendering the messages:


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