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@mix %AhkKYTCv1kNc6DJk4bYs1rnitHUJHP7V6/ebbnGa0wI=.sha256

new Contributors call

Sun, 07 Jan 2018 20:00:00 GMT

38 attending

art - Moebius

A 60-90 minute call where new and old contributors get a chance to introduce themselves, and share a little of their aspirations and current passions.

This isn't going to be a call for deep problem solving, but I expect we'll surface some conversations we might like to continue on ssb (or another specialised call)

Location: mumble

Install mumble at least 15 minutes before the call, and use headphones.


  • configure it to push-to-talk mode
  • Address:
  • Port: 64738


an hackmd for the call is open here :

:information_source: - the gathering time displayed is in your timezone (e.g. 9am Monday NZT for me)

Useful Threads in which we can Keep the Convo Going

For Discussions on how SSB makes you feel, there is a channel for that!


There's a great thread about how to help contribute to this larger ecology, called "Talking by Doing"


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@mikey %dOCRVCEUPzmILDyY47Cfc9uZgva1BqmUkqVcdWfxLxs=.sha256

Temperature check on joining with general interest in building in the scuttleverse but without concrete contributions in motion?

@Mischa if you're wondering whether you're welcome to join, yes! in my mind, anyone who uses Scuttlebutt is already a contributor, we're all uxers here.

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@mix %51In+P9PNRuEQNNW40lSr/GV0Ir0pd0d1it9indu2Lk=.sha256

@Mischa there are a few people in this position , jump on in!

@mix %993IEQaeSFf1dBlbRDMRlCM/3t+dTjT4rOBwyJnrrVA=.sha256

Hey @Junior I'm maxed out on coordination. Try a tool like , compare with 9am NZT

@Greg K Nicholson I'll get someone to take some notes. In terms of recording, I'll check for consent with those coming before recording.

Is anyone against an audio-record of the call?

please post any concerns here or PM me. If anyone isn't down with it, we'll just not do it until we've had time to discuss more.

@mix %C+Tq4sF6xMh5MgDXhv1YSUe1ManLVR3DwJ4lxqMb/80=.sha256

Designing this meeting

In preparation, I'm going to spend 30 minutes thinking about the posible shape of this call today.

Why? Because by thinking about what shape might support the conversation, we're more likely to have an awesome time. I do this sort of thing a lot, and I'd like to support others to learn about this aspect of enabling community.

Note it's not going to be a rigid plan, more a pre-sensing of the possibility space and a consideration of some forms / tools which could serve.

If you're an older contributor, would you like to join me? (PM me)

It would be a good chance to :

  • mind meld
  • make something even better
  • learn about community support / facilitation
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@Anders %hhHmyqAhZAZRTYWTMbs1JpyOuie82PDZvmzeEiGxVX4=.sha256

Did the server just die for everyone, or is it only me?

@andrestaltz %reQC62ihR3cEKFEe2EkQE1UWfDJMrhgKfK3II0s0mLY=.sha256

I got disconnected from the server just now

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@Anders %/Lm//JDvVSXmdNtPugKdJVW3WD9FU3j/JVe/kj53qKU=.sha256

should be working now :smile:

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@cel %b8o6yh3+tc2HfC3zuI+ndlPjYksqff4um7hXOL7cP20=.sha256

Server is full (max 18 users)

i increased the max

@mix %UGmaMhmRA2JXwd9SP7T1kXquL0YBDBdXPtFmOcqc6MI=.sha256

my recording didn't work. Getting a good setup needs pre-tessting and I didn't have time.

@dinosaur might have gotten bits audio-recorded with mumble ... any luck (I saw it stopping and starting but that might have just been interface)

@SoapDog %Tso1JrD5wIApSX1Ll6JibrSnDnsO+JMAGlqaSqFRA+M=.sha256

ARGHHHHH!!!! I got the wrong timezone and missed the call... sorry folks, I wanted to be there and couldn't

@mikey %K4zoI6PLtYdfn05UcovdPoPFaymtGXkhP4uDbEq3iEI=.sha256

@SoapDog next time! also if we want a next time: %E78GIWS.... :smiley_cat:

@mikey %V5YQYeEvXJjBie489T9AmDO7UoywidRAHqqRx1Bd0ao=.sha256

notes (as a blob): :notebook: :pencil2:

@mix %Lan2OKV+hBtmzkHZxgfyxaYdONw3ybH9QC305FCB6zM=.sha256

Thanks for taking notes @mikey and @Mischa !

Also, really appreciated how awesome everyone was at listening and being mindful of time. I didn't know a bunch of you and wasn't sure if I'd need to interupt anyone who was ranting on something they were passionate about.
As a facilitator I felt like you were easy to guide as a group - which is such a pleasure. Thank you!

@mikey %ktzH4QVPfIUE3G4E2wuxKfKO1E9EthhA0dcujpQVECg=.sha256

notes and recording as a dat! :sunny:





append / for notes and /index.ogg for recording. :yum:

recording skips the initial check-ins (usually i wouldn't take notes for personal check-ins, but in this case it felt appropriate) and is split into 3 parts. once i stopped the recording by accidentally focusing on the recorder while typing notes, once i stopped the recording because my internet dropped.

thanks again everyone for a lovely call, i appreciated how everyone was respectful of the shared space, was great to hear everyone's voices. :smiley_cat:

@Francis %cFG60Jj/g2iSJkypr87EgmnBehZHhVeIGVX7H24s1Xw=.sha256

Thank you so much @dinosaur for putting that together. I was feeling super bummed I had to miss this and this helps me feel a bit better. =)

@Francis %Bbe5rYQmTl/2zQYLDzIXDO6eTXDhiJAwnXPiLHzPTyo=.sha256

Also thank you @mix for putting all this together in the first place. <3

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@mix %r1Yayml73nqfTQt55pmyqzETK1mmGe21sYAp6dq6PBU=.sha256

hey @Soggypretzels , @Junior - regular things are easier, you just need to notice the temperature of whether they're still fun and useful

I find people make an effort to catch up sometimes when they haven't in a while.

Also, a clear idea about the purpose of a call can help it really succeed - from enabling you to make a clear invitation, to providing a rough bound for what you're discussing.

If you want to try running something - e.g. another call, a call with a specific topic, a call with a different format, or a call with regular time - I would love to offer my support. I (and others) will be happy to pair on bringing these things into being :heart:

@mix %X7kg+9PTNvk1Loeyk6cWDnrrhnIV7wTAnGyf/xlBHFI=.sha256

@Junior sorry your connection was a dud to mumble. Let me know if you want help debugging it before another call.

Re: mumble versus video. 2 years ago we tried all the tools for calls, and wasted a lot of time with unreliability - connections breaking, audio chopping. like 10-30 mins every call. Then @cel set up the mumble server, and it just fucking works (at least 99%). You can't imagine how much of a relief this was (for me).

@Dominic %YwVg14wg2/xSxaN8cLtSek0nBoRIzmcnObei7D/AtzQ=.sha256

We've always had people somewhere remote with probably shitty internet, me on my boat or @ev and @gb in mexico city.
So we used audio because bandwidth.

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@ev %HER6y5S0zeF6Qm87e1nkSHnnokdjSDlcwkS5X/gYUb8=.sha256

@junior Thanks for the invite, but we're not in Mexico City anymore. Right now we're both living in Des Plaines, Illinois, USA and working at the local Levi's store.

Grab a coffee at Cafe Cielo while you're in Centro Historico!

@ev %q1/1q/6ThasFwPM/oh97TZsg3oza3qWV97KgPP0OUgs=.sha256

Oh, I just realized this thread was an ssbc call that already happened. I'm sorry I missed it, and I hope that it becomes a regular thing again.

@Dominic %X4DqKzbJyMDv8a5vpz/mBofLNyqaJVUOqHn5CIvv8w8=.sha256

@ev yeah, we need gatherings for patchless

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