awesome @Piet! mi casa es su casa!!
You are welcome to come visit us in DK. And if you want to work during the day we have good coffee at the office :-)
Hey @Piet, I'm already looking forward to hanging out! We can meet here in the UK at tableflip like @alanshaw said. Also, there is a chance I'll visit Amsterdam in the time period you're there.
Hey, what's your email contact, i can connect you with my friend Neb who's in amsterdam and knows lots of interesting people.
wow hey there @Piet, that sounds pretty awesome! I don't live in the Netherlands anymore, but if you're around the place you should really check out the islands (Schiermonikoog being the prettiest).
You're always welcome up in Sweden. I'll happily take you on a tour through a national park too if you desire so (Skuleskogen & Vålådalen are the prettiest things in the early swedish autumn).
It might however be a bit more practical to visit Denmark or Skåne (south of sweden) instead. Kopenhagen, Malmö or Gothenburg are easy places for people like @zelf, @Powersource, and @kas to get to. It's also just a small trip over the pond plus a train trip ride away from @andrestaltz. I'll happily eat the bullet of sitting on the train for a few hours.
I believe you have my contact details already, so feel free to drop me a message anytime
@Hendrik Peter if you folks are doing this large nordic crab meet, I want in ahuhuahuauhaauhauh
Sorry, how could I leave you out @SoapDog