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@mikey %jXO1GEi55llBiPbn6HkrwJYPmmXJpor6qkR0/WgfR7M=.sha256

solarpunk as a tagline or icon :sunny: :nut_and_bolt: :full_moon: :seedling:

lately i've been thinking about the solarpunk social movement, how i'm part of neighboring sub-cultures like the burner sub-culture and social enterprise sub-culture, how many living solarpunks are not yet aware of solarpunk as an identity, and how to nurture our garden of social culture as the movement is growing.

i've been noticing about how i communicate solarpunk as a short tagline, my favorite so far is "high-tech hippies".

i've been thinking about how to distill solarpunk into some fundamental icons, here's what i came up with:

here's what i was trying to do:

  • the sun at the center as a gear :sunny: :nut_and_bolt:
  • a radial of plants as sun rays: :seedling:
  • a radial of phases of the moon: :new_moon: :waxing_crescent_moon: :first_quarter_moon: :waxing_gibbous_moon: :full_moon: :waning_gibbous_moon: :last_quarter_moon: :waning_crescent_moon:

(icons from the Noun Project: gear, phases of the moon, plants)

how do you like to communicate solarpunk as a short phrase?

what do you think are the fundamental icons of solarpunk?


@mix %KjXaB+bJuC5aCSZqTF22wGrwbUw+VxSr6yRH3V4QCIY=.sha256
Voted # solarpunk as a tagline or icon :sunny: :nut_and_bolt: :full_moon: :seedli
@mikey %xWtNE5pv9kL3YgRcTc5Xidbxg1zppnYZ7am1wPYRfPU=.sha256

side note: i think the phases of the moon is an important icon of #solarpunk themes, i guess i'm not really into the #lunarpunk sub-culture-within-a-sub-culture, %VzxV0Je..., %1eAh7Gj... :information_source:, as solarpunk is hipster enough for me and i don't see why the lunarpunk themes should be considered separate from solarpunk themes :sweat_smile: :tomato:

@mix %SftmxK49kMlJ4Y1kZmyAqxexW1GmP1nYcRHZxPCWdNQ=.sha256

that logo is beautiful @mikey. I would wear that as a badge or put a massive sticker like that on my computer. I'm quite tempted to play with it and modify the weight of the gear, but honestly it's almost perfect

@mix %ksfgUev2fnO/GQlJoBu7nL+GT2IDaXd0YHskwBHuT8M=.sha256

oh, there's also an 8-bit thread to this, which is a nice little link to computers

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@mikey %lfFGMoRpFhQdejot63etXBzd/6HAl6p0mtMX3XGLL+E=.sha256

with a splash of my favorite colors: purple and teal

@Dominic %yA3FweFxbaS45fO57FaKfovrS0x4zyfy2y+bBaXSvm4=.sha256

I normally pitch it as "the hopeful science fiction we have been waiting for"

It makes sense that you don't think so much of the moon, @dinosaur after all, you are the high priest in what is clearly a sun-god worshipping cult (don't mean "cult" in a bad way, can write culture without cult ;) desmond is a classic sun-god architype. Of course, the sun is very blight and seems the most important thing in the sky... until the night, of course... which the sun is ignorant of.

The moon is more mysterious.
If you have to ask why the moon is important, then sorry, you won't know.

@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %yGAX2EPBcYmVSIU/290ENVycEl0aBkA5eLT6EV9Foc4=.sha256

Jeje. I have a friend that says the moon is greater than the sun, because they let her go out at night.

@mikey %7S0oXsw8bMvoDQeKvMwaB/I12lP8nd96v1laN9r4x04=.sha256

@dominic i'm trying to say that the moon is solarpunk! :full_moon:

for what it's worth, the #cult-of-desmond also has a feminine lunar deity: Devita.


one reason why Desmond ascended was to rise up the divine feminine power on earth.

@Justin Abrahms %1M0WbR8uuqmPSWYq7UAJ+vcTsytRKqgfiDMfeEor00k=.sha256

Solarpunk is organic computers. They aren't mega-niche. They need rest. They are interconnected and rely on other things. They are fair and equitable.

@cel %m23zMlmSrjosoCXpG+6VXuauhFhbvb2/Fp76ETkoIzU=.sha256
Voted # solarpunk as a tagline or icon :sunny: :nut_and_bolt: :full_moon: :seedli
@kas %kI8hSiXbbenYf8V8cREigxAhqJx8KGsWOXpneC0ZQFY=.sha256
Voted with a splash of my favorite colors: purple and teal ![solarpunk-icon-colo
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@Dominic %ZmsQl8jxeH2uW0vZMxCdevvlO6Q/VSMo3tbCFmOOwO0=.sha256

@angelica sold me on "sun wearing sunglasses" aka "cool sun"


more at goog images

@ktorn %ncYA5TWjt2O25o1+Fk9IjS6m4Ppx+pkWsiCLOkZrkak=.sha256

@dominic my daughter loved the cool sun :smiley:

@dinosaur I don't think I'm solarpunk, but I like the logo, especially the gear (i'm biased towards them) and plants. perhaps I'm terrapunk :grin:

@Daan (deprecated) %sdw4kwh9BOOdJ8gCKTP+g3mlIjAXK7w4Nl9p/oooB3A=.sha256

Love the new logo @dinosaur. Didn't we have a solarpunk heraldic flag somewhere that needs some new central icon? :)

Personally, I like it a little more at this angle, since it looks a little less square, and a little more round to me.

@Daan (deprecated) %eQBtKbWWbAu2oQv/VyfZSy0mgcv1mCUyz7/09WmKaxg=.sha256

Here we go!

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@Gordon %XJPUDKFugzMPR7jo7KvvoiJgKPAKKq6uvgSIgzgxD7U=.sha256
Voted ![solarpunk-flag.jpg](&zaoHXhPO4cCMPqFwfJfjC7QrnbIzAMVpsxmBVwx1Qa4=.sha256)
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@kas %45WoECeBQvJApBYzkRLk1mkayNTwVeokgh770+mRCg0=.sha256
Voted Add some mushrooms -- and you get Open Source Environmental Hardware logo.
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@mikey %wXRvNm+dcmwHrQFh7jfow+j99LjWyHFfOwvbFGhs+gQ=.sha256

@Tristan yes feel free to use it as you wish, i'll say my contributions are licensed under CC-BY, which is the same as the the Noun Project icons i used: gear, phases of the moon, plants. :heart:

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@Christian Bundy %05AbZ38cri3aiUt47JzGO+jQ+q/KiEQpMx6byNS3H6c=.sha256
Voted I normally pitch it as "the hopeful science fiction we have been waiting fo
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@Dominic %sydCbLikVgaB3dpEdUj2VnjFZy5jgz+PjdmJXAXpuPU=.sha256

likely to wear sandals - hence foot odor

Amazing. I'm pretty sure that the reason feet smell is because they are wrapped in sweaty socks and foot coffins commonly called "shoes". If airflow is allowed around feet by wearing sandals, or even more dangerously radical - going bare foot! they shouldn't really smell any more than your hands.

see also shit barefoot runners say (I'm too lazy to run but I did enjoy born to run)

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@cel %wJbO0AnDn0ZHCpT1zV7CbpNps/uY2LFR+nBEHX4SHqg=.sha256
Voted forking from this thread: %jXO1GEi55llBiPbn6HkrwJYPmmXJpor6qkR0/WgfR7M=.sha
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@mikey %hNIjHrO2WkdU+Ulu6CvZ2FcmfnJ4gtfGzia8H1B8TQ4=.sha256

oops! been distracted by trying to create the icon from scratch using JavaScript:

still a work in progress, but it's coming together! :sunny: :nut_and_bolt: :full_moon: :seedling:

also, now that this is all generated from code (currently as nested functions that use math and string interpolation to create a big SVG string), it would be possible to port this to something like React to make an animated mandala or port this to OpenJSCAD to make a 3d version, but i should probably be working on other things! :smiley_cat:

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@Dominic %wFROYzs+FXG8X1m2KoSpp8vuoo86T9XnzeZwifurXic=.sha256

@aesthetical yes indeed!
It seems many people think you'll get sick if you go about bare footed!

I'm not sure I vibe with the cog emblem. It's too steampunk, too victorian, too colonial.
when solarpunk is high-tech, it's eletronic - it becomes more powerful because it's smaller and lighter and more efficient, less heavy, more sensitive - but the steampunk cog is more powerful because it's got a greater mass.

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@mikey %OEBljEZGk1teG0cNd/6m6KhRc3i26ykIoX5FXX6L0SU=.sha256

I'm not sure I vibe with the cog emblem. It's too steampunk, too victorian, too colonial. when solarpunk is high-tech, it's eletronic - it becomes more powerful because it's smaller and lighter and more efficient, less heavy, more sensitive - but the steampunk cog is more powerful because it's got a greater mass.

@dominic, do you have any ideas for high-tech icons that could double as a sun?

a wind turbine maybe?



@mikey %GdLsHoLQW3Kq411Sr60Ja95sqsXsgfsuP5WdtMoelFc=.sha256

is this more solarpunk?

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@mikey %HIld7XiYG3IKyHTaEsYtowr3p5YVMeTMGcCV6Yb3lTc=.sha256

playing around with numbers, i don't really know what i'm doing :smiley_cat:

@mix %zfrbu5eveySKaXhhGaWjK49oy6jR/N6oQ0yGVL8uRJE=.sha256

woah embedded svgs seem to explode out of their containing div in #patchbay

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@Dominic %qVatGSd698VzsCG6Mh6SlgyYepyLwgokxg7keejzcUY=.sha256

@dinosaur oh yes I definitely approve of wind, and wind turbines. Not sure how you'd make a simple representation of that that specifically evoked that, and avoided airplane propellers though.

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@mikey %5KXdcJvrAUhxX9j4IbAs7tv7LEYrShl3gg+aP40HQC8=.sha256

overheard (OH):

anarchist sun friends

:sunny: :sunglasses:

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@kas %hFScrguzlzXXSApoOEeJjdBNOcCcjCegZaX4VOuBpdc=.sha256
Voted ![ssb-stencil.jpeg](&s0Ebuab1Awuv9NT7eqbflJRcsEntsgSYwl3jR/Ji9Z8=.sha256)
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@Christian Bundy %BqD8lqtBUgfY/rtLkQfmPNcv90k57yOaALHJc8oAY0Y=.sha256
Voted # solarpunk as a tagline or icon :sunny: :nut_and_bolt: :full_moon: :seedli
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